[Rseding91] [2.0.27] Instant Blueprint Building in Map Editor Doesn't always work

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[Rseding91] [2.0.27] Instant Blueprint Building in Map Editor Doesn't always work

Post by IsaacOscar »

I'm not sure how much of the map editor is officially supported, but the Instant blueprint options here
12-20-2024, 19-24-13.png
12-20-2024, 19-24-13.png (147.54 KiB) Viewed 1074 times
Don't always work.

In particular:
  1. They do not work when copying and pasting a building with modules onto an existing one without them:

    Consider the following where I copy the assembler on the right:
    12-20-2024, 19-25-45.png
    12-20-2024, 19-25-45.png (118.45 KiB) Viewed 1074 times
    Now if I place it in a new location, e.g. the new assembler get's constructed instantly with modules:
    12-20-2024, 19-26-35.png
    12-20-2024, 19-26-35.png (126.72 KiB) Viewed 1074 times
    But if instead overwrite the existing assembler:

    The modules are only placed as ghosts, and not instantly built:
    12-20-2024, 19-28-12.png
    12-20-2024, 19-28-12.png (77.94 KiB) Viewed 1074 times
  2. It won't build platform tiles sometimes. For example, consider this:
    12-20-2024, 19-33-20.png
    12-20-2024, 19-33-20.png (1.05 MiB) Viewed 1074 times
    If there are no platform tiles in the platform hub, it will ghost build:
    12-20-2024, 19-35-11.png
    12-20-2024, 19-35-11.png (996.55 KiB) Viewed 1074 times
    But if instead, I had platform tiles in the hub, the tiles get built (not instantly, but with the usual animation) but not the assembler:
    12-20-2024, 19-36-15.png
    12-20-2024, 19-36-15.png (1011.02 KiB) Viewed 1074 times
  3. You can't super-force build over an existing, but identical ghost. This prevents you from instantly building. This is particular annoying if the ghost exists because it wasn't instant-buildable at the time, for example if you do this:
    12-20-2024, 19-39-34.png
    12-20-2024, 19-39-34.png (954.12 KiB) Viewed 1074 times
    The assembler and platform tiles wont be instant built, as they must be connected to a platform.

    However, once you've done that, you can't try and put another ghost down, now even with super force build:
    12-20-2024, 19-44-55.png
    12-20-2024, 19-44-55.png (1.18 MiB) Viewed 1069 times
    You either have to delete all the ghosts, and ghost-build the assembler again, or use q to manually build the ghost platform tiles and assembler.
  4. Instant ghost building doesn't work in remote view (although there's not much reason to use remote view in the editor, so this isn't much of an issue)
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Re: [2.0.27] Instant Blueprint Building in Map Editor Doesn't always work

Post by Rseding91 »

It seems the root of all of these are that they aren’t actually building blueprint entities but instead modifying existing entities so no events happen for the instant logic to apply to.
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Re: [Rseding91] [2.0.27] Instant Blueprint Building in Map Editor Doesn't always work

Post by IsaacOscar »

A related issue is that stuff that gets destroyed doesn't get instantly rebuilt:
12-21-2024, 16-40-31.png
12-21-2024, 16-40-31.png (1.93 MiB) Viewed 1006 times
That's probably a missing feature, as rebuilding destroyed things doesn't seem to match the description of any of the other instant building options.
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Re: [Rseding91] [2.0.27] Instant Blueprint Building in Map Editor Doesn't always work

Post by Rseding91 »

I've fixed the over-building not fulfilling the module requests instantly. The rest are outside the scope of the map editor instant blueprint building.

* Tiles can't be built when not connected to the platform and after the initial pass, it won't go back and re-place them when they are connected (it never did, and was never meant to).
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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