[Donion] The sound is extremely loud if multiple technologies complete at the same time.

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Burner Inserter
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[Donion] The sound is extremely loud if multiple technologies complete at the same time.

Post by pwhk »

It happened when my mod have 10 technologies sharing the same trigger condition. The sound effect was _extremely loud_.
Can we tune it down?
Long Handed Inserter
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Re: The sound is extremely loud if multiple technologies complete at the same time.

Post by spacedog »

Honestly, this sounds like a bug that should be reported as such. There are lots of bugs like this that they're simply unaware of, and don't find out about until mods start exercising things in ways the base game doesn't.
Factorio Staff
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Re: The sound is extremely loud if multiple technologies complete at the same time.

Post by Donion »

The research_completed sound is limited to 3 instances per tick, so if 10 technologies are researched at the same time by a trigger only 3 sounds should play, you can check that using the "show-recently-played-sounds-info" debug option.
If it's playing more than 3, it would be a bug. If not, this can remain as a suggestion. I would guess 3 instances would be fine, but we can check.
Factorio Staff
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Re: The sound is extremely loud if multiple technologies complete at the same time.

Post by Donion »

I went back to limit the sound to only one instance and discovered that the limit is not applied as the sound is played globally and the limits are applied to positional sounds.
Moving this to bugs.
Factorio Staff
Factorio Staff
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Re: [Donion] The sound is extremely loud if multiple technologies complete at the same time.

Post by Donion »

Fixed for the next release, 2.0.34. Only up to one research completed sound will be started in a tick.
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