[Rseding91] [2.0.23] Can't edit chart tag if script updates a different tag

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[Rseding91] [2.0.23] Can't edit chart tag if script updates a different tag

Post by Narc »

What did you do:
Attempted to change the name/icon of a chart tag (created from the Add tag button):
- click on the tag
- type into the text field in the "Tag properties" window
- change the icon in the "Tag properties" window
12-11-2024, 14-39-50.png
12-11-2024, 14-39-50.png (29.02 KiB) Viewed 756 times
What happened:
The text field and icon are periodically reset to the tag text from before opening the window.

What did you expect:
The text field should retain my changed input, and apply it to the chart tag when I press Confirm.

When does it happen:
The bug only appears when a script is updating chart tags while the editor is open (any script, any chart tag, including on different surfaces than the one being edited).
In my case, I'm using YARM, which creates chart tags corresponding to monitored sites and periodically updates the tags to contain the current resource amount within the site.
YARM has a runtime-global setting "Enable map markers" and disabling the setting (causing YARM to stop updating the chart tags/remove existing ones) mitigates the bug.

Attached are the latest factorio-current.log and a minimal reproduction save file:
- open the map
- attempt to rename or change the icon of the `qwert` chart tag
- wait up to 1 second

NB: YARM is configured for high interference in this save, with the chart tag refresh rate set to 1/60 ticks; in normal operation, the refresh rate is 600 ticks but there would also be many more chart tags. Additionally, the problem is not related to YARM -- any script updating any chart tag will cause the editor to reset.
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Re: [Rseding91] [2.0.23] Can't edit chart tag if script updates a different tag

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. This is now fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: [Rseding91] [2.0.23] Can't edit chart tag if script updates a different tag

Post by 1n5aN1aC »

You guys are amazing!

I report the bug that's been annoying me for half of the SpaceAge release, mod author discovers it's probably a game bug, reports it to devs, devs have it fixed for the next release within a day!

Thank you so much for all your hard work!!!!!!
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