[Rseding91][2.0.24] "Missing specification of font with name" exits Factorio

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Smart Inserter
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[Rseding91][2.0.24] "Missing specification of font with name" exits Factorio

Post by sparr »

Attempting to apply a font to a GUI element with a name that doesn't match any font prototype produces this error *and completely exits Factorio*, not just to the main menu like other lua errors.

This is a dupe of viewtopic.php?f=23&t=58892 which I believe was closed in error.
Rseding91 wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:48 pmthat's working as intended: lua errors show that error box and exit the game to the main menu.
This error does not exit to the main menu. I have encountered this error twice. Once it showed the error dialog then exited the game entirely

Code: Select all

  18.477 Error Util.cpp:81: Missing specification of font with name: "DejaVuSansMono"
  59.707 Info GlobalContext.cpp:760: Deleting active scenario.
  60.044 Steam API shutdown.
  60.075 Goodbye
And the other time it exited the game immediately without even showing the dialog, and I had to check the log file to find out what went wrong

Code: Select all

7181.891 Error Util.cpp:81: Missing specification of font with name: "DejaVuSansMono"
7182.149 Error MessageDialog.cpp:218: Unable to show message dialog. SDL Error: [zenity reported error or failed to launch: 255]
7182.150 Info GlobalContext.cpp:760: Deleting active scenario.
7184.153 Steam API shutdown.
7184.197 Goodbye
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Re: [2.0.24] "Missing specification of font with name" exits Factorio

Post by Rseding91 »

You're right, I some how miss-understood the other bug report.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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