1. Open the in-game Mods > Explore browser
2. Select a mod with some dependencies. That mod will highlight in yellow on the list, and its details will appear on the right.
3. Click the arrow next to the dependency. The dependency details will appear on the right. The list on the left won't update.
4. Click the prior mod, still highlighted yellow, in the list on the left. Nothing happens.
5. Click another mod in the list, then click the prior mod. Now it loads again on the right.
Step 4 should change the right side back to the details of the selected mod.
[raiguard] [2.0.24] Mod browser can't navigate back to mod after following dependency
Re: [raiguard] [2.0.24] Mod browser can't navigate back to mod after following dependency
Thanks for the report, this has been fixed for the next release.
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