[Rseding91] Clicking "sort" button when typing save name clears text field

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[Rseding91] Clicking "sort" button when typing save name clears text field

Post by Pzixel »

(I mean the button highlighted as orange in here)
12-07-2024, 05-40-09.png
12-07-2024, 05-40-09.png (1.84 MiB) Viewed 739 times
I am bad at mouse precision, so what often happens to me is that I'm typing the save, use all the fancy icons I can but at some point when I want to add a 3rd icon I miss the "Choose the icon" button and click the sorting button instead. Which immediately deletes all my typed filename and replaces it with whatever filename was first in the folder.

It's a minor issue but it's quite painful nonetheless.
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Re: Clicking "sort" button when typing save name clears text field

Post by Pzixel »

I'm not sure if other think it's an issue, but I've lost a couple of saves this way (and some hours of progress as a result). I hope you could look at this or at least just say if you consider this as something you'd like to fix or not
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Re: [Rseding91] Clicking "sort" button when typing save name clears text field

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. This is now fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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