[boskid][2.0.23] Production/consumption stats of Fluoroketone are missing / inconsistent with similar processes.

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[boskid][2.0.23] Production/consumption stats of Fluoroketone are missing / inconsistent with similar processes.

Post by malventano »

- Fluoroketone production stats appear to be broken. The player can not determine over/underproduction via production stats.
- This is inconsistent with similar net consumption / production processes (Kovarex Enrichment, Coal Liquefaction) which properly report the net production stats where machines both consume and produce the same item.
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Re: [2.0.23] Production/consumption stats of Fluoroketone are missing / inconsistent with similar processes.

Post by boskid »

I am going to throw this to Not a bug.

Cooling fluoroketone does not report consuming hot fluoroketone and producing cold fluoroketone because this fluid is considered a catalyst as it circulates within fusion reactor setups between cryogenic plant, fusion reactor and fusion generators. What is actually consumed is cold fluoroketone which should be reported if you look for the production statistics of the "cold fluoroketone".

-- edit:
Back to bug reports because something is odd.
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Re: [2.0.23] Production/consumption stats of Fluoroketone are missing / inconsistent with similar processes.

Post by boskid »

Thanks for the report. There was indeed an issue, the recipe for cryogenic science pack was incorrectly considering 6 units of input fluoroketone (cold) as catalyst while only returning 3 hot fluoroketone. This recipe was adjusted for 2.0.25 and will now correctly report amount of fluoroketone lost in the process.
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