I was looking at my Trains and was fueling them.
What happened?
One of the trains had an additional slot right next to the fuel interface (See attached Image). I asked in the Factorio Discord, they were very confused and told me this might be a bug. I do have mods installed but others in the discord server were able to recreate it so I do not think the mods cause any issue here. (Maltsi described it as follows: "You mean how to insert ore into locomotives? Let your inserter grab bacteria, and when it spoils into ore it will be insertet in the loco"). I do not know how it happened in my world. Their method would not work since i am far away from bacteria.
In the attached Savegame the Locomotive at the "Fuel" trainstop near the player does have this extra slot.
What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
I did not expect this slot to be there since it would not be obvious what to put in there.
Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?
Some of my locomotives do have it, some do not