[Lou][2.0.21] Ghost placing artificial soil on existing artificial soil possible

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[Lou][2.0.21] Ghost placing artificial soil on existing artificial soil possible

Post by alson2717 »

1) What did you do?
Ghost planned overgrowth soil on top of preplaced artificial soil and, without waiting for overgrowth to be placed, ghost planned artificial soil on top of overgrowth soil ghosts.

2) What happened?
Ghost artificial soil appears on top of already placed artificial soil, dooming construction robots to hover above it forever since they cannot put artificial soil on top of already existing artificial soil
Robots trying to put artificial soil on top of already placed artificial soil
Robots trying to put artificial soil on top of already placed artificial soil
Untitled.png (382.74 KiB) Viewed 796 times

3) What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
Ghost artificial soil not appearing on tiles that already have artificial soil placed

4) Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?
Every single time
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Re: [Lou][2.0.21] Ghost placing artificial soil on existing artificial soil possible

Post by Lou »

Thank you for the report and reproduction steps. The issue was what the logic just saw the tile ghost and see it could be replaced so did it regardless of the physical tile.

Fixed for 2.0.34.
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