[2.0.20] Shooting speed upgrade values of vehicles not displayed on weapon hover (tank/car/spidertron) MR

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[2.0.20] Shooting speed upgrade values of vehicles not displayed on weapon hover (tank/car/spidertron) MR

Post by Meehael »


when hovering over tank weapons like Tank Cannon in the bottom left corner of the screen (or in the Tank's inventory screen), weapon speed isn't displaying upgraded weapon speed.
Even though I've researched "Weapon Shooting Speed 6", hovering over Tank Cannon still says Shooting speed: 0.67/s.
Tank cannon does fire fast as expected, it's just that the tooltip is misleading.

The Upgrade panel correctly displays Weapon shooting speed upgrade of +230%.

PS: if I Alt-click on Tank Cannon, in the factoriopedia, it correctly says 0.67+1.53/s.
PPS: there is no factoriopedia entry for vehicle weapons, that is, you cannot find them manually when browsing thru the factoriopedia. But if I alt-click on Tank Cannon, it opens the factoriopedia at its entry.

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Re: [2.0.20] Shooting speed upgrade values of vehicles not displayed on weapon hover (tank/car/spidertron) MR

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. This is now fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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