Also minor differences in setup to this one: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=120833&p=640498&hil ... us#p640498
What did you do?
I have basic 1-4-1 and 1-2-1 trains with an interrupt for a refueling station when the wildcard fuel is <10.
The wait condition is "Fuel Full"
What happened?
@refuling station (nauvis 116, 181)
Once the train enters the refueling station due to the interrupt, the train gets stuck. The train status (and headlights) flash rapidly.
I know that this is a "LOGIC" issue and PEBKAC problem but it is also a bug, see below.
If the logic issue isssolved by setting parameters correctly. Otherwise you get an endless error: Fuel (nuke rocket) is 3(max) which is <10 so as soon as the Full condition triggers, it re-interrupts, arrives at station, and fulfils leave condition... and repeats forever.
Why it is a Bug not a feature request:
- The state of the train looks like a bug as the logic glitches over and over again
- The goal of the fuel parameter and "All locomotives fully fueld" is to create interrupt states to refill a train but there is no way to set a value for "FUEL" that works for coal, solid, rocket, and nuke rocket.
- Every other train condition has a symbol (sleep, out of fuel, no destination, etc) to help resolve stuck trains that crash a factory, except this one.
- You're going to keep getting bug requests for it
(no not a threat, a prediction)
suggested solutions (for a complete post, not because you guys aren't amazing with fixes and solutions we never thought we needed):
- Create a "stuck interrupt" icon for this situation making the user aware of their goof
- Create an interrupt condition "low fuel" that has a pre-set Mj value or % of max based on the wildcard fuel parameter
- Create a variable in the fuel list that allows the user to set Gj or Mj value as a constant