[Genhis][2.0.18] Right-clicking items in an inventory while in remote view can leave an "X" mark on an empty slot

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[Genhis][2.0.18] Right-clicking items in an inventory while in remote view can leave an "X" mark on an empty slot

Post by rollc_at »

Tested version: 2.0.18 (build 80420 expansion, mac-arm64, standalone)

While in remote view, right-clicking a bunch of scrap in a spidertron's inventory, I have observed that the "X" mark remained visible on some of the slots. I've had about a dozen stacks, some of them I've right-clicked from the far end, while others were right-clicked from the beginning. It seems that as random bots were racing to remove different stacks, the "X" mark remained visible on two now-empty slots (screenshot below).

The effect was later relatively easy/consistent to reproduce by frantically clicking on random inventory items (I guess StarCraft experience helps).

I don't think it has significant gameplay consequence, as after exiting inventory view, the "X" marks have disappeared.

Other observations:
- It is possible to insert more items into the inventory; the items would be able take the slot occupied by the "X" mark (without actually getting affected/removed);
- While the "X" marks remained on an empty slot, right/left-clicking them had no effect; as more stuff was added to the inventory, the now non-empty "X"ed slots were impossible to interact with anymore; so the effect doesn't seem to be purely visual.

(Pure speculation: I'm assuming that Factorio's GUI is immediate-mode; this bug seems to hint that some logistic request state is retained in the view separately from the model; closing the view "cleans up" the buggy state.)
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Re: Right-clicking items in an inventory while in remote view can leave an "X" mark on an empty slot

Post by rollc_at »

Followup observation (a bit harder to reproduce, but 100% reproducible with enough racing). Situation:

- I have 51 normal splitters, 51 fast splitters, and 50 express splitters.
- I right-click the extra 1 splitter to free up a slot, and also the extra fast splitter.
- As the single normal splitter got removed, the "X" remained on the slot that was previously occupied by the fast splitter, but is now occupied by the stack of 50 express splitters.
- One express splitter got removed instead of one fast splitter; the end state is I have 50 normal splitters, 51 fast splitters, and 49 express splitters.
- EDIT: there's something super funny going on, because the express splitter in question has been placed in a storage chest filtered for fast splitters.

I think all of this is also hiding behind a more fundamental issue, that auto-sorted inventories and delayed interactions (logistic requests, platform drop slots) don't play very nicely with each other. It's just too easy to mis-click on things. Auto-sorting works OK for character inventory, as most interactions are immediate; for other inventories, perhaps auto-sorting should be a separate option (maybe even disabled by default). Currently the opposite is the case (auto-sorting can only be disabled for the character, but not for vehicles/platforms).
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Re: [Genhis][2.0.18] Right-clicking items in an inventory while in remote view can leave an "X" mark on an empty slot

Post by rollc_at »

Confirmed that this can also happen in chests, while they're being unloaded by an inserter faster than by bots.
Most symptoms seem very similar (including closing/re-opening the GUI to clear the bad state).

(I am also now finding very weird trash being stored into some of my filtered storage chests. There's one filtered for deconstruction planners (so that no other item gets placed there, but logistic requests prioritise this one over a passive provider), with its only input being a recycler; the recycler in question normally only processes LDS, so the chest should only be storing copper, steel, and plastic; I somehow found solid fuel in it. I don't think I can reproduce/retrace this one, there's a possibility it's just my trashy trash setup.)
EDIT: see attached screenshots, seeing the random solid fuel on another storage chest with a similar setup (recycling red circuits). I'm 100% confident it wasn't there before I started exploring this bug.
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Re: [Genhis][2.0.18] Right-clicking items in an inventory while in remote view can leave an "X" mark on an empty slot

Post by sben »

I had this issue a once in a steel chest and a few times (4 times or so) in a little different context.

I had a some disabled slots (limited by the red X at the end of the inventory) in one of the cargo wagons of each train, that were meant for unusual item transportation between main base and remote outposts and item requests placed/removed over the remote viewer.

The inserters were filtered, so they could not remove this items, and the slots disabled, so inserters also could not place items into this slots, only the robots could interact with them. This is a difference to the scenario described above.

I tried for a long time to explicitly reproduce but was not able to do so, I will maybe try again if I have some time for that.
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Re: [Genhis][2.0.18] Right-clicking items in an inventory while in remote view can leave an "X" mark on an empty slot

Post by Genhis »

Thanks for the report, this visual issue should be fixed for 2.0.32. The spidertron item removal was fixed a few weeks ago: 120760.
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Re: [Genhis][2.0.18] Right-clicking items in an inventory while in remote view can leave an "X" mark on an empty slot

Post by rollc_at »

Unfortunately I cannot confirm this as fully fixed in 2.0.32, as there seems to be an edge case.

I'm not exactly sure how I arrived there, but the steps were roughly:
  • Small logistic network (4 storage chests filled with random junk, only ~150 logistic bots, no construction bots)
  • Right-clicked a couple stacks of items in the chests
  • Created a requester chest that requested the same items that were right-clicked
Result: As the storage chest was emptied via logistic requests, the "X"s remained on empty slots.

See the attached video. Notable that this state persists between saves/loads.

Bringing in personal construction robots seems to have cleared the bad state.
Screen Recording 2025-02-14 at 17.16.30 [compressed].mp4
(237.6 KiB) Downloaded 15 times
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