11-13-2024, 17-22-05.png (40.58 KiB) Viewed 922 times
11-13-2024, 17-22-28.png (1.82 MiB) Viewed 922 times
Hi there, I'm playing deathworld settings, and recently started getting attacked quite often. About an hour into it the enemies start entering into this strange state, staying frozen not too far outside of turret range. I'm on another planet, but even placing turrets near them won't cause them to be aggressive, and will remain frozen. Baby pentapods will, however be aggressive when they spawn from a dead larger enemy. These waves still must count as an active/current wave, since attacks from those directions have dramatically decreased.
I am also experiencing this bug on Gleba only. I can build turrets next to the enemies and it kills them. My game is starting to lag really hard with all the enemies there now
Yeah its strange. Turrets won't affect their state, but if you manually target them with artillery, the group will "wake up" and attack normally en masse.
I've managed to reproduce enemies getting disabled during an attack. If you load the save I've posted, and immediately use the map to jump to Gleb (camera should be in the right place when you arrive), an enemy wave is forming up and is just about to attack.
If the wave destroys any turret, then the further away enemies in the group will all immediately disable, while the enemies closer to my base will all continue attacking. If the wave does not manage to destroy anything, then all enemies will continue attacking until dead.
I suspect that this is something to do with the enemies finding no valid targets within a certain range (looks roughly like about a chunk?), so assuming that the entire outpost has been destroyed and disabling to save resources.
(I'm describing them as disabled due to Oxyd's post here: viewtopic.php?p=553877#p553877 - I think this behaviour just got a lot more common in 2.0)