[boskid] map editor surface settings

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[boskid] map editor surface settings

Post by tegirvaru »

in map editor, (for example) when i select vulcanus as a surface, it still will not let me select recipes which require pressure, specifically "acid neutralization" in a chemical plant. the surface renders correctly, but no "surface conditions" are set. (the editor mode lets me set the recipe while in editor mode, but i should still be able to select it while being on the vulcanus inherited surface in normal mode).

even in the map editor settings, there is no field for pressure/magnetic-field/solar-power, so how would i be able to set it. i see how to edit the recipe itself, but that is not a map editor thing.

map editor would require the SurfacePropertyID values to be entered to inherit that functionality. the fact that space age surfaces are in the editor means we should be able to use them, or i'm just totally missing something.
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Re: map editor surface settings

Post by Warlock »

I had the same problem when I tried to create a Fulgora Testworld with Editor Extensions. Could't get the lightning system to work and therefore wasn't able to place lightnic collectors since they require a surface with lightning to be placed.

My workaround was to import the surfaces from a save game where I already discovered the planet.

To do this
  • go to the map editor/surfaces and then click the button "Import save".
  • After selecting your desired savegame you will get a Import surface prompt where you can see which surfaces can be imported.
  • If the box under "Import" is checked, this surface will be imported.
  • In the dropdown under "As" existing surfaces can be selected to be overwritten. If nothing is selected, a new surface will be created.
The imported surfaces should work as intended.

Hope this helps and I didn't miss your point completely.
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Re: map editor surface settings

Post by boskid »

Thanks for the report. For 2.0.17 i made it so when creating surfaces using surface editor, they use surface properties of the selected planet prototype.

This does not cover all aspects of creating planets-alike. Using Aquilo preset it does not make entities require heating, using fulgora's preset it does not cause lightnings to be generated and using gleba's preset it does not cause correct pollutant type to be set. In most cases those are prototype based which requires surface to strictly bind to a planet prototype, not just be created planet-alike, so some of those may not be possible to apply when using surface editor.

For development purposes primary way of testing stuff on specific planets is that we use a console command `/cheat <planet name>` (like `/cheat vulcanus`) to create a surface that properly binds to a specific planet object and has all the correct traits of the given planet prototype.
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Re: [boskid] map editor surface settings

Post by tegirvaru »

thank you so much for such promptness, and also the planet creation command tip. that is exactly what i wanted. so amazing !! :D
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