[Genhis][2.0.15] Interrupts with same name stations modifying static schedule values

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[Genhis][2.0.15] Interrupts with same name stations modifying static schedule values

Post by ichaleynbin »

Some players who used disabling stations in 1.1 to allow trains to travel from one station to another of the same name (IE 'Outpost') in 1.1 have been looking for ways to do this in 2.0, with interrupts. In the example save given, disabling the top-left stations with static schedules does no more to kick them out than limit 0, enable/disable may be clicked but does nothing. Interrupting allows trains to depart from a temp stop to seek a static schedule stop of their own name, static to temp, or temp to temp, but static to static does not work.

Related I believe, is the way that these interrupts are interacting with having two schedule stops with the target station. With the included BP, if you place it and let it run, it will inject the temp stop at the top of the list immediately and then loop only that temp stop, seemingly re-injecting, though the flash of a success and reinjection isn't seen on slow game speed. The interrupt will trigger after the first successful static stop and begin looping. However if you manually send the train to the first schedule stop instead, it injects below the first and then loops on that, as expected.

The oddball is seemingly visual in nature only, in that it seems to modify the time spent condition of the first item in the list, but does not actually? Interrupting off the second schedule stop's completion seemingly injects it at the bottom of the list, and modifies the first item of the list. It only seems to happen while watching the train's schedule, as in the following video. After deleting the temp stop at the bottom, deselecting, and reselecting the train, the temp stop appears at the top of the list while a static stop has disappeared, so it would seem this is a visual bug only.
(13.59 KiB) Downloaded 16 times
Same Name Station Bug.zip
(4.12 MiB) Downloaded 19 times
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Re: [Genhis][2.0.15] Interrupts with same name stations modifying static schedule values

Post by Genhis »

Thanks for the report, the visual problem is fixed for 2.0.35.
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