[Hrusa] [Import from] planet reverts when changing quality

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[Hrusa] [Import from] planet reverts when changing quality

Post by FoolishBalloon »

When setting an orbital request on a space platform, I sometimes change the target planet before selecting the quality of the item to be imported. This then reverts the target planet to default one, which is a minor QoL issue which hopefully can be fixed easily. Look at the following screenshots for clarification:

Orbital request for gun turret:
11-08-2024, 13-19-47.png
11-08-2024, 13-19-47.png (219.66 KiB) Viewed 1253 times
Change import planet to Fulgora:
11-08-2024, 13-20-07.png
11-08-2024, 13-20-07.png (220.71 KiB) Viewed 1253 times
Change rarity to Epic this is the bug, it changes planet back to Nauvis
11-08-2024, 13-20-48.png
11-08-2024, 13-20-48.png (220.05 KiB) Viewed 1253 times
Here I usually press E to quickly confirm the order, which confirms it with the wrong planet selected. Again, hopefully this can be easily fixed as it's just a minor inconvenience.
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Re: [Hrusa] [Import from] planet reverts when chaning quality

Post by Kyium »

This only occurs when you create the request for the first time oddly. Modifying an existing request doesn't exibit this behaviour.

Edit: It only occurs when modifying requests that can be fulfilled I belive. Modifying a request that cannot be fulfilled after creation doesn't change the planet back to nauvis if it was set to fulgora for example.
Last edited by Kyium on Sat Nov 16, 2024 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Hrusa] [Import from] planet reverts when changing quality

Post by gyorokpeter »

I'm actually seeing the reset happen when changing an existing request that can't be fulfilled.
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Re: [Hrusa] [Import from] planet reverts when changing quality

Post by xargo-sama »

Fixed in the next update.
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