[2.0.15] Hardcoded "X" in logistic request tooltip

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Smart Inserter
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[2.0.15] Hardcoded "X" in logistic request tooltip

Post by valneq »

When a space platform requests items from a planet and the robots are collecting the items for the rocket you can see this in the logistic request of the platform:
11-05-2024, 23-57-25.png
11-05-2024, 23-57-25.png (130 KiB) Viewed 1187 times
It says "Fulgora X 1", indicating something like "sent a logistic request to one of the rocket silos on Fulgora". If there are multiple silos that automatically serve platforms you can also see "[planet] X 2" or "[planet] X 5" etc.
"On the way: 8" can be ignored. This is just due to two robots with hand capacity of 4 each are carrying my 5 EM plants to the rocket. Once the rocket is loaded this tooltip says "on the way: 5" as expected.

The "X" in this string seems hardcoded. It's a very bad way of expressing multiplication. Instead this string should be using the unicode character "×" similar to this multiplication here:
11-06-2024, 00-00-09.png
11-06-2024, 00-00-09.png (37.09 KiB) Viewed 1187 times
As a side note: it took me quite some investigating under which circumstances this string is displayed in the first place, and what it means exactly. I first saw this in a stream and I thought it was part of a name of a platform … until I realized that made no sense …
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Re: [2.0.15] Hardcoded "X" in logistic request tooltip

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. This is now fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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