-Interface option keep player's inventory sorted
-set a filter in inventory for iron bacteria (middle mouse click, blue filtering, see inventory bottom)
-pick up some iron bacteria, let spoil
-pick up fresh iron bacteria again
-iron ore is filling the filtered bacteria slot
-fresh iron bacteria are sorted elsewhere in inventory
-iron ore should be resorted elsewhere so my filter would properly contain my fresh bacteria
I like my fresh bacteria quickly accessible when manually innoculating to bootstrap biochamber
4. always happens
[2.0.14] Inventory does not auto-resort with filtered slot for iron bacteria after spoiling
Re: [2.0.14] Inventory does not auto-resort with filtered slot for iron bacteria after spoiling
Thanks for the report. Issue is now fixed for 2.0.15: those items that happened to be in filtered inventory slots but are not matching them will get ejected to unfiltered stacks.