[Genhis][2.0.14] Autosave for first visit of planet overwritten by toggling thrust

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[Genhis][2.0.14] Autosave for first visit of planet overwritten by toggling thrust

Post by sbsbsbsb »

So I am on my way to Vulcanus, and as I was on the way more than the halfway point, I got more asteroids, so I slowed down, by toggling the button "Automatic <-> Paused Thrust".

Once I speed up again (by clicking on the Triangle go button), I retriggered the autosave, which is named _autosave-platform-3s-first-trip-to-vulcanus.

So now my autosave is at a point, where I cannot abort the run by just falling back to Nauvis orbit, but I am fully committed to going there (unless my orbital platform is good enough to fly back to Nauvis orbit).

IMHO the autosave should only trigger when in Nauvis reach (first half of the way).
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Re: [Genhis][2.0.14] Autosave for first visit of planet overwritten by toggling thrust

Post by Genhis »

Thanks for the report. In the next release, the game will only be autosaved if the platform is in orbit.
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