[2.0.13] You can (try to) drag wire between surfaces

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[2.0.13] You can (try to) drag wire between surfaces

Post by AntiBlueQuirk »

What did I do? What happened?

In the Remote view, activate a wire tool, any will do, and click on a pole to start wiring it. Now switch surfaces. The wire tool does not stop working as it probably should, and instead shows a preview wire from original pole's would-be position on the new surface. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it,) you don't actually seem to be able to connect to anything this way, it just says "Wire out of reach".
Screenshot 2024-11-02 215049.png
Screenshot 2024-11-02 215049.png (264.93 KiB) Viewed 1182 times
What did you expect to happen instead?

The wire tool should probably automatically "disconnect" from the previous object when you switch surfaces, or at least not show the nonsensical preview wire. It seems harmless in its current state at least.

Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?

Seems like it always works when you start from the Remote View. I've tried each of the three wire tools. Alas, I have tried connecting poles as well as buildings together and nothing worked. (Darn.)
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Re: [2.0.13] You can (try to) drag wire between surfaces

Post by boskid »

Thanks for the report. I made change of surface to abort wire drag if the original entity is on a different surface. Fixed for 2.0.16.
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