[2.0.13] Placing heat pipes on Aquilo near snow covered corners produces Vulcanus tiles

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[2.0.13] Placing heat pipes on Aquilo near snow covered corners produces Vulcanus tiles

Post by TMTIME »

While building on Aquilo I noticed that hot heatpipes would convert ice tiles into "Volcanic ash cracks (Tile)", which should be exclusive to Vulcanus.

Adding fuel into the heating tower in the screenshot melts nearby ice, converting it to dust and allowing more heat pipes to be built.
20241102001020_1.jpg (523.17 KiB) Viewed 2335 times
Eventually I could extend the heat pipe to the edge of the land, where those tiles would change from Rough ice to a Volcanic ash tile, which freely supported heat pipes
20241102001040_1.jpg (535.49 KiB) Viewed 2335 times
My understanding was I had to place concrete in order to build on the ice, so the heat pipes converting ice tiles to another planets tileset doesn't seem intentional to me.
I have attached my save file just incase it helps. To repeat these steps:
1 - Add fuel to the heating tower
2 - Place heatpipes from the right side outward as shown in the screenshots. If you can't place one, wait until the snow/ice melts
3 - See the ice cliff change to a volcanic tileset
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Re: [2.0.13] Placing heat pipes on Aquilo near snow covered corners produces Vulcanus tiles

Post by Genhis »

Thank you for reporting this issue, and for including screenshots and the save file. It is now fixed for the next release.
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