[2.0.13] Items stacked on belt rendered behind pipes on top (item/stack/layer/layering/wrong) (MR)

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[2.0.13] Items stacked on belt rendered behind pipes on top (item/stack/layer/layering/wrong) (MR)

Post by Gegell »

factorio-stacked-item-wrong-render-order.png (807.82 KiB) Viewed 604 times
A belt which has items stacked up to maximum capacity (e.g. 4 in this case) will render the items on the belt behind underground pipes instead of infront, when the belt is routed 1 tile below the pipes. Happens regardless of which belt type is used.
It also occurs for regular pipes, but there it is only really noticeable when the pipe directly points towards the belt.
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Re: [2.0.13] Wrong render order between stacked belt and (underground) pipes

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. I don't believe we plan on changing anything about this. Rendering stacked items on belts is extremely finicky as is and virtually every change to it "fixes" one issue while introducing another.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: [2.0.13] Items stacked on belt rendered behind pipes on top (item/stack/layer/layering/wrong) (MR)

Post by posila »

Hmmm ... we render item stacks in object layer, so they could sort with belt structures (underground belt structure, splitters, circuit connector frame), and their sorting position is shifted half or one tile up, so that that they always render under character ... so item stacks have to have this shift applied too, but each layer has some additional shift, which puts their sorting position above center of tile above. So it is either this, or character/car/tank "clipping" through belt structures. So experiment with tweaking shift constants to some different magic value that would make everything look acceptable.

Vaclav and I must have knew about this when this was implemented, but I don't remember talking about it.
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Re: [2.0.13] Items stacked on belt rendered behind pipes on top (item/stack/layer/layering/wrong) (MR)

Post by IceTDrinker »

Adding to this as I just encountered it, the underground belts seem to order themselves correctly, as the top of a stack looks about as high as an underground belt you may have a way to tweak it, also to note that "tall" items (like walls) will have the same sort of wrong ordering without stacks it seems

In the screenshot: towards the top, pipe nearly on top of walls, lower in the center: pipes over stacks, on the left a stack as high as an underground belt, on the right, underground belt above a pipe.
20250210210322_1.jpg (1.22 MiB) Viewed 153 times
Not game breaking obviously, but given your track record on fixing those, I'm sure you'll figure something out!

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