[Rseding91] [2.0.12] Crash setting infinity chest (SignalIDBase::getValueIndex)

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Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Feb 20, 2020 8:46 pm

[Rseding91] [2.0.12] Crash setting infinity chest (SignalIDBase::getValueIndex)

Post by Llama1 »

I was setting the infinity chest requests after right clicking the rocket silo in vulcanus.

Code: Select all

   0.000 2024-10-30 19:42:03; Factorio 2.0.12 (build 79795, linux64, steam, space-age)
   0.139 Operating system: Linux (Ubuntu 24.04)
   0.000 Initializing Steam API.
   0.139 Program arguments: "/home/cb/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin/x64/factorio" "--load-game" "/home/cb/.factorio/saves/Space_sandbox12.zip" 
   0.139 Config path: /home/cb/.factorio/config/config.ini
   0.139 Read data path: /home/cb/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
   0.139 Write data path: /home/cb/.factorio [784020/3754444MB]
   0.139 Binaries path: /home/cb/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
   0.150 System info: [CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor, 12 cores, RAM: 128719 MB]
   0.176 Display options: [FullScreen: true] [VSync: true] [UIScale: manual-pixels (100.0%)] [Native DPI: true] [Screen: 0] [Special: lmw] [Lang: en]
   0.182 Video driver: x11
   0.182 Available displays: 2
   0.182  [0]: DELL U2717D 27" - {[1920,0], 2560x1440, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888, 60Hz}
   0.182  [1]: DELL U2412M 24" - {[0,0], 1920x1200, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888, 60Hz}
   0.562 Initialised OpenGL:[0] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti/PCIe/SSE2; driver: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 550.120
   0.562   [Extensions] s3tc:yes; KHR_debug:yes; ARB_clear_texture:yes, ARB_copy_image:yes, ARB_pipeline_statistics_query:yes, ARB_gl_spirv:yes, ARB_ES2_compatibility:yes
   0.562   [Version] 3.3
   0.562 Graphics settings preset: very-high
   0.562   Dedicated video memory size 12288 MB
   0.708 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: high] [Video memory usage: all] [DXT: high-quality]
   0.708                   [Max threads (load/render): 32/8] [Max texture size: 0] [Tex.Stream.: false] [Rotation quality: normal] [Other: STDCWT] [B:100,C:40,S:100]
   0.718 [Audio] Driver:pulseaudio, Device:Default device, Depth:16, Channels:2, Frequency:44100
   0.988 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag expansion-shaders = true
   0.988 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag freezing = true
   0.988 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag quality = true
   0.988 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag rail-bridges = true
   0.988 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag segmented-units = true
   0.988 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag space-travel = true
   0.988 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag spoiling = true
   0.989 Loading mod settings creative-mod 2.0.2 (settings.lua)
   1.031 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   1.043 Loading mod base 2.0.12 (data.lua)
   1.141 Loading mod creative-mod 2.0.2 (data.lua)
   1.267 Loading mod elevated-rails 2.0.12 (data.lua)
   1.282 Loading mod quality 2.0.12 (data.lua)
   1.289 Loading mod space-age 2.0.12 (data.lua)
   1.440 Loading mod base 2.0.12 (data-updates.lua)
   1.448 Loading mod quality 2.0.12 (data-updates.lua)
   1.463 Loading mod space-age 2.0.12 (data-updates.lua)
   1.473 Loading mod creative-mod 2.0.2 (data-final-fixes.lua)
   1.558 Checksum for core: 1043092351
   1.558 Checksum of base: 3158838524
   1.558 Checksum of creative-mod: 1442951274
   1.558 Checksum of elevated-rails: 4201662503
   1.558 Checksum of quality: 4264147466
   1.558 Checksum of space-age: 3246333523
   1.858 Prototype list checksum: 2259721434
   1.899 Loading sounds...
   2.069 Info PlayerData.cpp:68: Local player-data.json unavailable
   2.069 Info PlayerData.cpp:71: Cloud player-data.json available, timestamp 1730335322
   2.270 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
   2.281 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x16380) [none]
   2.295 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x16380) [none]
   2.311 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x16380) [none]
   2.312 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x15876) [none]
   2.312 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x8392) [decal]
   2.316 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x16384) [low-object]
   2.316 Created an atlas bitmap (size 4096x1344) [low-object]
   2.316 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x13456) [corpse-decay]
   2.316 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x5596) [none]
   2.316 Created an atlas bitmap (size 1676x79) [not-compressed]
   2.316 Created an atlas bitmap (size 8192x6096) [mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level]
   2.322 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x16320) [terrain, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-mip-level]
   2.322 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x4832) [terrain, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-mip-level]
   2.322 Created an atlas bitmap (size 8192x3872) [terrain-effect-map, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-mip-level]
   2.322 Created an atlas bitmap (size 4096x3088) [smoke, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification]
   2.322 Created an atlas bitmap (size 8192x2576) [mipmap]
   2.322 Created an atlas bitmap (size 2048x1520) [mipmap]
   2.322 Created an atlas bitmap (size 4096x3152) [mipmap]
   2.322 Created an atlas bitmap (size 4096x3152) [mipmap]
   2.322 Created an atlas bitmap (size 4096x3152) [mipmap]
   2.322 Created an atlas bitmap (size 8192x3824) [icon, not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level]
   2.323 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x6120) [alpha-mask]
   2.339 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x16380) [shadow, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
   2.343 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x16384) [shadow, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
   2.343 Created an atlas bitmap (size 16384x8368) [shadow, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
   2.343 Created an atlas bitmap (size 8192x2352) [shadow, mipmap, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
   2.343 Created an atlas bitmap (size 2048x528) [icon-background, not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level, ]
   2.343 Loading 3D bitmaps.
   2.350 Texture processor created (2048). GPU accelerated compression Supported: yes, Enabled: yes/yes. Test passed. YCoCgDXT PSNR: 35.83, BC3 PSNR: 33.82
   2.387 Parallel sprite loader initialized (threads: 11, bitmaps: 8320)
  20.621 Sprites loaded
  20.670 Generated mipmaps (4) for atlas [5] of size 16384x16384   
  20.673 Generated mipmaps (4) for atlas [6] of size 4096x1344   
  20.679 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [10] of size 8192x6096   
  20.774 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [11] of size 16384x16320   
  20.797 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [12] of size 16384x4832   
  20.806 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [13] of size 8192x3872   
  20.811 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [14] of size 4096x3088   
  20.835 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [15] of size 8192x2576   
  20.839 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [16] of size 2048x1520   
  20.844 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [17] of size 4096x3152   
  20.857 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [18] of size 4096x3152   
  20.862 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [19] of size 4096x3152   
  20.885 Generated mipmaps (5) for atlas [20] of size 8192x3824   
  20.891 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [25] of size 8192x2352   
  20.925 Custom mipmaps uploaded (3203)
  20.982 Factorio initialised
  20.983 Steam Storage Quota: 16779/23841
  20.991 Loading map /home/cb/.factorio/saves/Space_sandbox12.zip: 88198205 bytes.
  21.006 Loading level.dat: 429407633 bytes.
  21.009 Info Scenario.cpp:178: Map version 2.0.12-2
  37.448 Loading blueprint storage: Local timestamp 1730260588, Cloud timestamp 1730260589
  52.789 Loading script.dat: 28080 bytes.
  52.791 Checksum for script __level__/control.lua: 2463946943
  52.807 Checksum for script __creative-mod__/control.lua: 3577093624
 256.574 Info AppManager.cpp:310: Saving to _autosave3 (blocking).
 257.993 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
 558.079 Info AppManager.cpp:310: Saving to _autosave1 (blocking).
 559.402 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
 859.736 Info AppManager.cpp:310: Saving to _autosave2 (blocking).
 860.687 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
1160.841 Info AppManager.cpp:310: Saving to _autosave3 (blocking).
1162.226 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
1462.397 Info AppManager.cpp:310: Saving to _autosave1 (blocking).
1463.734 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
1535.409 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
2270.618 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
2424.428 Info AppManager.cpp:310: Saving to _autosave2 (blocking).
2425.399 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
2641.796 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
2731.707 Info AppManager.cpp:310: Saving to _autosave3 (blocking).
2733.261 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
2895.805 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
3040.644 Info AppManager.cpp:310: Saving to _autosave1 (blocking).
3041.866 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
3341.931 Info AppManager.cpp:310: Saving to _autosave2 (blocking).
3342.884 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
3518.232 Info AppManager.cpp:310: Saving to _autosave-platform-9s-first-trip-to-gleba (blocking).
3519.167 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
3565.956 Info AppManager.cpp:310: Saving to _autosave-platform-9s-first-trip-to-fulgora (blocking).
3567.224 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
3645.207 Info AppManager.cpp:310: Saving to _autosave3 (blocking).
3646.610 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
3947.114 Info AppManager.cpp:310: Saving to _autosave1 (blocking).
3948.382 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
4248.570 Info AppManager.cpp:310: Saving to _autosave2 (blocking).
4249.521 Info AppManagerStates.cpp:2050: Saving finished
4536.965 Error CrashHandler.cpp:641: Received SIGSEGV
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/Util/StacktraceToStream.cpp (52): walkStackAndPrintToStream
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/Util/StacktraceToStream.cpp (60): Util::printStacktraceToStream(WriteStream&)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/Util/Logger.cpp (334): Logger::writeStacktrace(WriteStream*, StackTraceInfo*)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/Util/Logger.cpp (379): Logger::logStacktrace(StackTraceInfo*)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp (183): CrashHandler::writeStackTrace(CrashHandler::CrashReason)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp (644): CrashHandler::commonSignalHandler(int)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp (652): CrashHandler::SignalHandler(int)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/CircuitNetwork/SignalIDBase.hpp (162): SignalIDBase::getValueIndex() const
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/CircuitNetwork/SignalIDBase.hpp (71): SignalIDBase::operator bool() const
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/ID/IDWithQualityFilter.hpp (66): IDWithQualityFilter<SignalIDBase>::operator bool() const
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/Logistics/LogisticSection.cpp (174): LogisticSection::canSetFilter(LogisticFilter const&, unsigned short, LogisticSectionType) const
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/Logistics/LogisticSection.cpp (184): LogisticSection::setFilterWithoutCompilation(LogisticFilter const&, std::optional<unsigned short>, LogisticSectionType)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/Logistics/LogisticSection.cpp (200): LogisticSection::setFilterAndRecompile(LogisticFilter const&, NamedBool<SendEventTag>, std::optional<unsigned short>, LogisticSectionType, Player*)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/Logistics/LogisticSection.cpp (229): LogisticSection::setFilterAndRecompile(LogisticFilter const&, unsigned short, NamedBool<SendEventTag>, LogisticSectionType, Player*)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/Entity/LogisticContainer.cpp (573): LogisticContainer::copyEntitySettings(CopyEntitySettingsData const&)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/Entity/InfinityContainer.cpp (137): InfinityContainer::copyEntitySettings(CopyEntitySettingsData const&)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/GameStateManualBuilder.cpp (296): GameStateManualBuilder::pasteEntitySettings(Entity*, Entity*, InventoryBuffer&, Player*)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/GameStateManualBuilder.cpp (283): GameStateManualBuilder::pasteEntitySettings(Entity*, InventoryBuffer&, Player*)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/GameActionHandler.cpp (1006): GameActionHandler::pasteEntitySettings(InputAction const&, Controller&)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/GameActionHandler.cpp (350): GameActionHandler::actionPerformed(InputAction const&)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/Input/InputSource.cpp (75): InputSource::flushToListeners(InputAction const&, bool)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/Input/InputSource.cpp (67): InputSource::flushActions(bool, MapTick)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/Input/PlayerInputSource.cpp (517): PlayerInputSource::flushActions(bool, MapTick)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/GameActionHandler.cpp (388): GameActionHandler::update(std::function<void ()>)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/GameActionHandler.cpp (362): GameActionHandler::update(std::function<void ()>)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/MainLoop.cpp (1340): MainLoop::gameUpdateStep(MultiplayerManagerBase*, Scenario*, AppManager*, MainLoop::HeavyMode)
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/MainLoop.cpp (1205): MainLoop::gameUpdateLoop(MainLoop::HeavyMode)
/opt/gcc-13.2.0/include/c++/13.2.0/bits/std_function.h (591): std::function<void ()>::operator()() const
/tmp/factorio-build-Obr7mb/src/Util/WorkerThread.cpp (69): WorkerThread::loop()
/tmp/tmp.dlP10F34z6/objdir/../gcc-13.2.0/libstdc++-v3/src/c++11/thread.cc (104): execute_native_thread_routine
./nptl/pthread_create.c (447): start_thread
../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone3.S (78): clone3
Stack trace logging done
4539.159 Error CrashHandler.cpp:190: Map tick at moment of crash: 5777234
4539.159 Error Util.cpp:95: Unexpected error occurred. If you're running the latest version of the game you can help us solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
Please also include the save file(s), any mods you may be using, and any steps you know of to reproduce the crash.
4550.787 Info SystemUtil.cpp:871: Started /usr/bin/xdg-open; trampoline PID: 233354
4550.787 Uploading log file
4551.063 Info SystemUtil.cpp:871: Started /home/cb/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin/x64/factorio; trampoline PID: 233367
(14.05 KiB) Downloaded 42 times
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Joined: Mon Nov 30, 2020 10:50 am

Re: Game crashed when setting an infinity chest

Post by Lou »

I have not been able to reproduce this based on provided information. Do you have any other info that could be helpful (or even better, a save file where this happens)?
Factorio Staff
Factorio Staff
Posts: 15105
Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2014 5:23 am

Re: [Rseding91] [2.0.12] Crash setting infinity chest

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. I was able to reproduce it with the mod you had installed and it's now fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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