[kovarex] Blueprint unexpectedly shifts when reselecting content

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[kovarex] Blueprint unexpectedly shifts when reselecting content

Post by drmason13 »

For some reason selecting new blueprint contents for a blueprint that has an absolute grid will destroy your offsets. Especially when rails are involved.

I am raising a bug report although it doesn't feel like a new bug in Space Age.

As an example/demo:
Good offsets
factorio-blueprint-good-offsets.png (134.49 KiB) Viewed 734 times
If you then simply click the blue plus to select new blueprint contents and select the exact same objects, you end up with this:

Bad offsets
factorio-blueprint-bad-offsets.png (134.87 KiB) Viewed 734 times
(I want the big power pole in the middle, not off by 1)

To fix this and recreate the original offsets I must:
  • unselect `Snap to Grid`
  • select new contents for the blueprint
  • reselect snap to grid
  • enter the offsets again manually
The offsets are listed as being the same, but they result in the center of the blueprint (the red flag) being in a different place. By my eye, off by 1 tile south and 1 tile west.

I have the following vanilla mods enabled:
Base mod 2.0.12
Elevated Rails 2.0.12
Quality 2.0.12
Sapce Age 2.0.12

I have reproduced this issue with and without the following non-vanilla mods enabled:
Editor Extensions 2.3.0
Factorio Library 0.15.0

Here's a blueprint string (good offsets)

Code: Select all

Here's a blueprint string (bad offsets)

Code: Select all

The numerical grid positions and contents are identical, but the (bad offsets) blueprint is off center, and is not the same blueprint - one cannot place both blueprints in the same place:
factorio-blueprint-collision.png (853.44 KiB) Viewed 734 times
The bad blueprint string seems to be consistent each time I make it by reslecting the blueprint contents starting with the first blueprint string.

I'd expect that reselecting the blueprint contents with the same contents would result in the same blueprint, regardless of offsets.
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Re: [kovarex] Blueprint unexpectedly shifts when reselecting content

Post by kovarex »

Hello, this is now fixed for the next version, and this example is added to the list of things that is automatically tested, so it shouldn't break again in the future when I try to wiggle things aorund the logic.
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