[Donion] [2.0.11] Extremely loud sound of items inserted by RemoteView ghost insertion

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[Donion] [2.0.11] Extremely loud sound of items inserted by RemoteView ghost insertion

Post by Hares »

See the video file attached. Sound is required (you can RMB on the player to show controls, then enable sound).

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Deploy a locomotive without fuel
  2. Via the RemoteView, insert a stack of coal into the fuel slot
  3. RIP headphones users
Note that this sound can be heard even from the mapview of RemoteView.
Character being nearby is not required (I was ~150m away).

Sound settings:
10-27-2024, 01-23-31.png
10-27-2024, 01-23-31.png (80.79 KiB) Viewed 1055 times
2024-10-27 01-16-28.mp4
(9.58 MiB) Downloaded 35 times
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Re: [Donion] [2.0.11] Extremely loud sound of items inserted by RemoteView ghost insertion

Post by Donion »

Thanks for the report. The issue is now fixed for the next release, 2.0.16.
When robots delivered multiple (stacks) of items at the same tick, they would play on top of each other, making it loud.
The sound being audible from remote view like this is intentional, those sounds are treated more like a Gui Effect in this scenario.
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