[kovarex] [2.0.10] Interrupt not applied when "passing by" a station with no wait condition

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[kovarex] [2.0.10] Interrupt not applied when "passing by" a station with no wait condition

Post by Improbability »

I screen grabbed this after the fuel ticked from 10 to 9 at which point it satisfied the condition for the interrupt, but nothing happened. The train kept going around until it ran out of fuel. If I toggle the Automatic/Manual switch off/on then it applies the logic, but not otherwise.

The issue may be that I had no wait conditions on the stations. I was just testing and didn't think it mattered, but just adding a few second wait at each regular stop made it work as expected, so I'm guessing the issue is that there's logic that runs at stops but not otherwise... It wouldn't matter in normal play, but it's a confusion risk when just trying to learn.
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Re: [Kovarex] [2.0.10] Interrupt not applied when "passing by" a station with no wait condition

Post by kovarex »

Thanks for the report, it is now fixed for the next release.
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Re: [Kovarex] [2.0.10] Interrupt not applied when "passing by" a station with no wait condition

Post by boskid »

Unfortunately fix for this issue had to be reverted for 2.0.14 as it is causing quite a lot of trouble (118822, possibly 118975)
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