Upon fresh launch from a freshly booted PC after updating from steam, I was greeted with a "base mod" error (henceforth referred to as "Error 1".
I then relaunched the game, and was greetd with a "Failed creating a texture" (Henceforth referred to as "Error 2";
WIN+SHIFT+S would not allow me to capture a direct screenshot, as it would restart my graphics driver (presumably, at least... it's the same behavior as pressing WIN+CTRL+SHIFT+B. so something graphical happens I guess)
After 3 relaunches to confirm behvaior, all files were validated by steam. Steam then showed that gamefiles were all valid, and no corruption was present.
Steps to Reproduce:
Freshly rebooted Windows 10 desktop
Launch steam, and after updating to latest version of 2.0.10, you would be greeted with Error 1.
Relaunch game, and you will be greeted with Error 2.
Upon relaunch, Error 2 rears its head again, and prevents the game from launching. Several relaunches have shown that Error 2 will subsequently always happen after Error 1.
factorio-current, and factorio-previous logs are attached.
Note that error 1 is not present in the logs, due to the logs not saving beyond 2 launches, and I relaunched several times.
Error 2 appears to be `D3D11_ERROR: ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D failed in createInternalTexture on line 250. Error [0x8007000e] - E_OUTOFMEMORY`, which upon checking taskmgr, shows that I have over 12GB of RAM free, and GPU RAM is also almost completely free. Attached are screenshots of taskmanager showing free RAM for GPU and System.
I think I've gotten all the info, however I will answer any questions you may have.