[Rseding91] [2.0.9] Impossible to build any storage tanks.

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[Rseding91] [2.0.9] Impossible to build any storage tanks.

Post by micromario »


I have the following bloc of code in data stage.

Code: Select all

data:extend {{
    type = "item",
    name = "storage-tank-raw",
    icon = data.raw["storage-tank"]["storage-tank"].icon,
    icon_size = 64,
    place_result = "storage-tank",
    stack_size = 50,
    flags = {"primary-place-result"}
After adding this item prototype into the game, it seems to break the place_result of the regular "storage-tank" prototype and instead print "Missing Storage tank".
10-23-2024, 07-51-04.png
10-23-2024, 07-51-04.png (1.31 MiB) Viewed 2108 times
Indeed it seems having duplicate items of any prototype with the same place_result triggers this bug.

- Disable all mods including space age.
- Unzip and install the attached `autotech` mod.
- Spawn in a "storage-tank" item.
- Attempt to place such item.

Note: It also seems that construction bots refuse to build any storage tank ghosts.
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Re: [2.0.9] Impossible to build any storage tanks.

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report however that is working correctly. You set

Code: Select all

flags = {"primary-place-result"}
and so it is the primary place result. If that's not the behavior you want, don't set that flag.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: [2.0.9] Impossible to build any storage tanks.

Post by micromario »

No that is not correct.

Removing the flag simply causes the "storage-tank-raw" item to break due to prototype load order:
10-23-2024, 07-58-37.png
10-23-2024, 07-58-37.png (1.47 MiB) Viewed 2085 times
10-23-2024, 07-59-31.png
10-23-2024, 07-59-31.png (142.89 KiB) Viewed 2085 times

Code: Select all

data:extend {{
    type = "item",
    name = "storage-tank-raw",
    icon = data.raw["storage-tank"]["storage-tank"].icon,
    icon_size = 64,
    place_result = "iron-chest",
    stack_size = 50,
    order = "z"
Additionally, it seems this bug is only reproducible if you do not have both items in your inventory at the same time.
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Re: [2.0.9] Impossible to build any storage tanks.

Post by Rseding91 »

Ok, I was confused and wrong about part of this. This should now be fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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