[V] [2.0.9 + SA] Some objects have not draw box setup correctly

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Smart Inserter
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[V] [2.0.9 + SA] Some objects have not draw box setup correctly

Post by valneq »

Seeing these screenshots
10-23-2024, 03-19-51.png
10-23-2024, 03-19-51.png (96.86 KiB) Viewed 1176 times
10-23-2024, 03-22-02.png
10-23-2024, 03-22-02.png (449.21 KiB) Viewed 1176 times
10-23-2024, 03-27-59.png
10-23-2024, 03-27-59.png (124.77 KiB) Viewed 1176 times
reminded me of another case of incorrect drawing box I saw some time ago in a mod.

The view seems to be focussed on the collision box while the entity is being drawn quite a bit further up (or down) and colliding with the border.
These are by far not the only ones in the "environment" category in the Factoriopedia, where the drawing box seems off.

Feel free to say "this is intended" if that is the case. But I personally find this very strange.
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Re: [V] [2.0.9 + SA] Some objects have not draw box setup correctly

Post by V453000 »

Thank you for the report, we adjusted some values and it should look better in the next release.

Thank you!

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