[Donion] [2.0.8] GUI effect sound after update, ingoring actuall 0% volume

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[Donion] [2.0.8] GUI effect sound after update, ingoring actuall 0% volume

Post by EvilPLa »

I started my Laptop with Linux Mint, then started factorio via steam desktop icon.

Steam updated factorio from 2.0.7 to 2.0.8 and showed the changelog.

I noticed that the GUI effect sounds (the bing when you click a button) where audible. I know I set them to 0% volume in the game settigng.

I opened Settings-> Sounds and the volume slider was on 0% for GUI effects.

I adjusted the GUI effects slider to about 10% and confirmed with the green button. Result the volume of the GUI effects was reduced.

Then I set the GUI effects volume slider to 0% again. And the GUI effect sound where off again.

I expected that the GUI sound where off.
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Re: [2.0.8] GUI effect sound after update, ingoring actuall 0% volume

Post by EvilPLa »

Further investigation:

I restarted my laptop and started factorio via the steam desktop icon. And the GUI effects are audible again.
When I go to Settings-> Sound the GUI effects slider ist still on 0%.

The exact same happens on my separat installation (non steam) for VSCode. On version 2.0.7 and 2.0.8

Just noticed I don't have to restart the computer for the problem to happen, just closing Factorio and starting it again triggers the problem.

10-22-2024, 04-30-15.png
10-22-2024, 04-30-15.png (329.42 KiB) Viewed 779 times
Wise men speak because they have something to say Fools because they have to say something. (Plato)
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Re: [Donion] [2.0.8] GUI effect sound after update, ingoring actuall 0% volume

Post by Donion »

Thanks for the report, this should be fixed in 2.0.9.
In the meantime note that once going into a game, the volume setting will be applied, the issue is only on start in the main menu when background simulations are off.
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