[Rseding91] [2.0.7] Quallity Modules In Fluid only Chem plants.

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[Rseding91] [2.0.7] Quallity Modules In Fluid only Chem plants.

Post by hobbitmax999 »

What did i do:
I tried to put quality modules into a chemical plant for oil cracking.
What Happened:
It accepted them just fine and boosted the machines quality.
What did i expect to happen:
"Quality modules cannot be used in this recipe" similarly to how "Productivity modules can only be used on intermediate products"
Does it always happen:
As far as i can tell for any recipe with only fluid outputs it'll accept quality modules just fine as long as the machine its in can use quality modules

To reproduce:
Put quality modules into a chem plant set to any recipe with only fluid output. Such as oil cracking
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Re: [Rseding91] [2.0.7] Quallity Modules In Fluid only Chem plants.

Post by EustaceCS »

2.0.8 here. Chem plants still offer to stick Quality modules for Lubricant and Sulphuric Acid recipes. Am baffled.
Oil Refinery (and unbottle recipes for barrel'ed liquids in Assembler II-III) don't list Quality modules as acceptable though.
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Re: [Rseding91] [2.0.7] Quallity Modules In Fluid only Chem plants.

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. This is now fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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