[Rseding91] [1.1.110] Playing single player a game started by another player freezes when using game.show_message_dialog

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Manual Inserter
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[Rseding91] [1.1.110] Playing single player a game started by another player freezes when using game.show_message_dialog

Post by kameranis »

Reproduction steps:
1. Set player name to

Code: Select all

2. Open save in single player
3. Run

Code: Select all

/c game.show_message_dialog{text ="This should show up as a speech bubble or throw an error. Instead it freezes the game."}
Expected behavior: Throw an error
Cannot execute command. Error: Map doesn't contain 1 player, this function can't be used
or show bubble to current player.
Actual behavior: Text bubble does not show up and all controls other than going into map mode and zooming in and out are disabled.

This save was started by another player, I was continuing it in single player and a mod (Lunar Landings) was using the above function on an event. Function works as expected when in multiplayer or single player when joining as the game creator. Opening the save in multiplayer will correctly throw an error. Bug can always be replicated.
Broken state after mod used function in single player.png
Broken state after mod used function in single player.png (3.38 MiB) Viewed 1261 times
Correct behavior multiplayer.png
Correct behavior multiplayer.png (3.95 MiB) Viewed 1261 times
Lunar Landings - Pre Lunar.zip
(12.54 MiB) Downloaded 38 times
Lunar Landings - Pre Lunar Broken.zip
(12.51 MiB) Downloaded 37 times
(90.1 KiB) Downloaded 42 times
Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
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Re: [1.1.110] Playing single player a game started by another player freezes when using game.show_message_dialog

Post by kameranis »

Talking with mod creator Xorimuth, bug exists in 2.0 beta.
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Re: [Rseding91] [1.1.110] Playing single player a game started by another player freezes when using game.show_message_di

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. This is now fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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