[Rseding91] [1.1.109] [API] Inconsistent shortcut toggle behavior when 'toggleable' is not set

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[Rseding91] [1.1.109] [API] Inconsistent shortcut toggle behavior when 'toggleable' is not set

Post by Subject314159 »

When a shortcut.toggleable is not set the shortcut's visual toggle behavior gives inconsistent results.

Observed behavior:
Given below code, player.set_shortcut_toggled gives inconsistent results depending on when a shortcut button is pressed or when a custom input is given to call a generic toggle() function. When calling from the button press the button is toggled/untoggled visually, while calling from the custom input the button doesn't change visually. The button state as retrieved from player.is_shortcut_toggled is still updated in both cases. When setting shortcut.toggleable in data.lua to true the button visually behaves as expected.

Expected behavior when shortcut.toggleable is false:
- calling player.set_shortcut_toggled raises an error, or
- calling player.set_shortcut_toggled doesn't update the toggle state, both visually and as retrieved via player.is_shortcut_toggled


Code: Select all

    type = "custom-input",
    name = "my_shortcut",
    key_sequence = "ALT + L",
    action = "lua"
}, {
    type = "shortcut",
    name = "my_shortcut",
    action = "lua",
    -- toggleable = true, -- When this setting is not set the behavior is unpredictable
    icon = {
        filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/fish.png",
        size = 64,
        mipmap_count = 4

Code: Select all

local toggle = function(player)
    player.set_shortcut_toggled("my_shortcut", not player.is_shortcut_toggled("my_shortcut"))
    if player.is_shortcut_toggled("my_shortcut") then
        log("Button is now on")
        log("Button is now off")

script.on_event(defines.events.on_lua_shortcut, function(e)
    local player = game.get_player(e.player_index)
    if not player then
    if e.prototype_name == "my_shortcut" then
        log("on_shortcut click @ tick " .. game.tick)
        -- Here the shortcut button is visually correctly toggled

script.on_event("my_shortcut", function(e)
    local player = game.get_player(e.player_index)
    log("on_event hotkey @ tick " .. game.tick)
    -- Here the button is visually not toggled
log output:

Code: Select all

 -- Clicking the button to toggle/untoggle
 530.957 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:70: on_shortcut click @ tick 483
 530.957 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:56: toggled
 530.957 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:58: Button is now on
 -- Visually the button is now on (yellow)
 532.307 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:70: on_shortcut click @ tick 564
 532.307 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:56: toggled
 532.307 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:60: Button is now off
 -- Visually the button is now off (grey)
 -- Providing the custom input
 533.557 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:78: on_event hotkey @ tick 639
 533.557 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:56: toggled
 533.557 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:58: Button is now on
 -- Visually the button is still off (grey), while state is toggled
 534.590 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:78: on_event hotkey @ tick 670
 534.590 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:56: toggled
 534.590 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:60: Button is now off
 -- Visually the button is still off (grey) and toggled state matches again
 --Setting the button toggled by clicking the button
 536.307 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:78: on_event hotkey @ tick 773
 536.307 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:56: toggled
 536.307 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:58: Button is now on
 -- Button is indeed on (yellow)
 -- Untoggling by button press
 537.273 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:70: on_shortcut click @ tick 802
 537.273 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:56: toggled
 537.273 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:60: Button is now off
 -- The button is still off (grey) as expected
 -- Change the button to on (yellow) by clicking the button
 38.607 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:70: on_shortcut click @ tick 842
 538.607 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:56: toggled
 538.607 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:58: Button is now on
 -- The button is again on (yellow) as expected
 -- Turning the button off (grey) by custom input
 539.240 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:78: on_event hotkey @ tick 861
 539.240 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:56: toggled
 539.240 Script @__AAA-test__/control.lua:60: Button is now off
 --The button remains on (yellow)
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Re: [Rseding91] [1.1.109] [API] Inconsistent shortcut toggle behavior when 'toggleable' is not set

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. I've changed it for the next release so if a shortcut is marked as not-toggleable it will error if attempting to set it as toggled through the Lua API.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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