[1.1.109] Mod settings UI forgets changes

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Burner Inserter
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[1.1.109] Mod settings UI forgets changes

Post by numzero »

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Start a game or load a save with some configurable mods
  2. Go to Game menu (esc)→Settings→Mod settings→Map (or Per player)
  3. Change any setting
  4. Go back to Settings
  5. Go to Mod settings→Map again
The change persists.

The change disappears, and reappears after leaving the whole menu and then going to the mod settings again.

A consequence of the problem is, once you left the mod settings, you can’t revert any change you made until resuming the game and going back (though you can still change the setting to a different value, it will remember the latest such change then).

This doesn’t seem to depend on particular mods, I’ve tested with Asphalt Paving alone and also with Belt Visualizer 1.3.5 alone (the attached log is for the latter).
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Re: [1.1.109] Mod settings UI forgets changes

Post by Rseding91 »

Hanks for the report however this is simply how it has to work due to the changes not being possible to apply to a paused game while you are still in the menu.
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