[Rseding91] [1.1.109] "Request from buffer chest" not preserved when changing the force

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[Rseding91] [1.1.109] "Request from buffer chest" not preserved when changing the force

Post by azaghal »

When changing the force of a requester chest entity, Request from buffer chests option is not preserved.
Reproduction steps
  1. Start a new game, enable the cheat mode.
  2. Create a new (friendly) force using the console:

    Code: Select all

    /c player_ally = game.create_force("player.ally")
    /c player_ally.set_friend(game.forces["player"], true)
  3. Place down a requester chest, and enable the Request from buffer chests option for it.
  4. Hover over the chest and verify that the option has been enabled (using the console):

    Code: Select all

    /c game.print(game.player.selected.request_from_buffers)
  5. Hover over the chest, and change the entity force (using the console):

    Code: Select all

    /c game.player.selected.force = player_ally
  6. Hover over the chest and verify that the option is still enabled (using the console):

    Code: Select all

    /c game.print(game.player.selected.request_from_buffers)
Expected results
  • In step (4), the game recognizes the option as being enabled.
  • In step (6), the game recognizes the option as being enabled.
Actual results
  • In step (4), the game recognizes the option as being enabled.
  • In step (6), the game recognizes the option as being disabled.
Additional information
This has initially been tested against the stable version (1.1.107).

I have also tried messing around with the spidertron options as well (logistics and grid tabs), and it seems like the "Request from buffer chests" option is simply ignored and left at default value (in case of spidertron this option is turned on by default).

As a side-note (and I can open up a bug report for this if it's not intended behaviour) - non-player force spidertrons seem to get some kind of target-like indicator below them.
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Re: [Rseding91] [1.1.109] "Request from buffer chest" not preserved when changing the force

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. This is now fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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