Wireless transmission using (modded) radar to make graph with lamps

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Smart Inserter
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Wireless transmission using (modded) radar to make graph with lamps

Post by mmmPI »

The what :
random charts.jpg
random charts.jpg (530.83 KiB) Viewed 825 times
(in the map at the bottom it updates 1 new column per second, they all shift to the left )
The mod required to allow the wireless transmission from radar is : https://mods.factorio.com/mod/fff-402-radars
The How :
Receiver.jpg (439.29 KiB) Viewed 825 times
  • 1 The single Radar receiving values for the 9 graph
  • 2 Decider combinator filtering radar signal for display (A) (C=1)
  • 3Decider combinator filtering radar signal for display (B)(C=2)
  • 4 Array of combinator allowing display (A) to receive the "C" signal to update
  • 5 Array of combinator storing the number of lamp to lit on display (A)
  • 6 Array of combinator allowing display (B) to receive the "C" signal to update
  • 7 Array of combinator storing the number of lamp to lit on display (B)
  • 8 Array of combinator allowing another display to receive the "C" signal to update
  • 9 Array of combinator storing the number of lamp to lit on another display not shown
  • 10 Array of combinator allowing another display to receive the "C" signal to update
  • 11 Array of combinator storing the number of lamp to lit on yet another display not shown
  • 12 There is no 12, i made a mistake, let's just take a deep breath it continues
  • 13 Green wire used to transmit the signal "C" from the radar to the different display in horizontal direction
  • 14 Red wire used to transmit the signals with the values of red blue and green from the radar to the different display in horizontal direction
  • 15 Green wire used to transmit the signal "C" from the radar to the different display in vertical direction
  • 16 Red wire used to transmit the values of "Red" to the first combinator of array (8)
  • 17 There is no 17 , and if i don't write something in there it shows a lot in the list
  • 18 Green wire used to transmit the signal "C" to all the combinators of the array (4) and (5) at the same time
  • 19 Green wire used to transmit the signal "C" to all the combinators of the array (6) and (7) at the same time
Global clock.jpg
Global clock.jpg (69.07 KiB) Viewed 825 times
  • Constant combinator holding 1 "C" signal, turned off to stop all update and freeze graph
  • Horizontal combinator looping "C" signal when "C" < 60, self reseting timer of 1 second
  • Vertical combinator, allowing "C" signal with value of 1 or 2 or 3 to be sent to the radar when the clock is a those value
Emiter.jpg (136.56 KiB) Viewed 825 times
The rectangle box contain a contraption that generate a pseudo random number to make graph, it can be a chest in an outpost instead or an accumulator, anything that ouput a value on the circuit. The "wireless logic" allow the value to be sent for the graph when C=1 on this outpost, to replicate the graph 9 outpost are required, other outpost activating when C=2 or C=3, this is a red outpost for C=1, changing red for green or blue is necessary to make the green and blue part of the display

This blueprint book doesn't contain the display, there are too many characters for this post , it will be in the next one :

The map contain 9 outposts and their solar pannel already all active with the clock and the display in different areas :
Clocked Wireless Transmission of graph data.zip
(2.05 MiB) Downloaded 32 times
It was quite some fun to combine different element some older and some newer, the wireless transmission, the random number generator, the clock system and the display, and try to make the minimalist version well organised, the other mod in the save game Picker dolly allow to move combinator without rewiring them and was very useful.
Smart Inserter
Smart Inserter
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Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:10 pm

Re: Wireless transmission using (modded) radar to make graph with lamps

Post by mmmPI »

This blueprint contain 4 displays , those located top left with the radar and the beginning of the wire to expand to the rest of the display, 9 would be about twice the size of the max length for a post so nope
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