Factorio 1.1.94
In Factorio 1.1.94, the recipes added by the sample mod look like this:If you click on Wood Bricks, the game will automatically add 48 Cellulose Fiber and 4 Wood Pellets to the crafting queue.
Factorio 1.1.99
This is what the same mod looks like in Factorio 1.1.99:The Small Electric Pole recipe still displays and functions correctly. The number shown is limited by the Copper Cables in inventory. Clicking on it automatically crafts Cellulose Fiber, Wood Pellets, and Wood Bricks.
The recipe with no ingredients still displays and functions correctly:
Recipes which can't be crafted by hand should not have number overlay. This was also an issue in 1.1.94 .Some recipes can no longer automatically have their ingredients added to the crafting queue. Overlay should show infinity symbol, not a question mark.