[1.1.91] Train Limit dosn't get prerserved Train Stop is quick replaced/upgraded

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[1.1.91] Train Limit dosn't get prerserved Train Stop is quick replaced/upgraded

Post by Lukas0120 »

When I fast replace/upgrade a train stop to another type of (modded) train stop, the train stops train limit get's reset to no train limit, I've tried multiple types of train stops and they all behave the same way.
I would expect the Train Limit to be preserved when upgrading to a diffrent type of train stop, becouse the name and circuit settings of the train stops DO get preserved when upgrading, it's just the train limit that get's reset for some reason.

How to Reproduce:
-Install any mod that some kind of new Train stop entity/Item that's fast replacable with the normal vanilla one.
-Place a Train Stop and Set a Train Limit.
-Quick Replace/Upgrade the Train Stop to a diffrent type of Train Stop.
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Re: [1.1.91] Train Limit dosn't get prerserved Train Stop is quick replaced/upgraded

Post by Lukas0120 »

If a safe file is needed here's one I used for testing (testing with the dummy waterGhost entity from my mod, which is basically just a clone of the normal train stop that can be placed on water, normally not obtainable but that dosn't matter for testing).
Aside from that I've also tested the trainstop from LTN and it has the same issue(diffrent safe so it's not in this one), and I assume the same issue would happend for any trainstop added by a mod.
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Re: [1.1.91] Train Limit dosn't get prerserved Train Stop is quick replaced/upgraded

Post by boskid »

Fixed for 1.1.93.
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