[1.1.80] /editor map-gen-settings no caption on freq17%

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Long Handed Inserter
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[1.1.80] /editor map-gen-settings no caption on freq17%

Post by KeepResearchinSpoons »

A small-bitor-scale bug;

when you hover over sliders in /editor -> surfaces -> Edit map get settings, it *usually* shows the percentage.
but for any ore with minimal freq I do not see that caption for some reason.

You can import the string below on that same editor screen and see if it is reproducible.
(( I do not see caption for neither copper nor iron ore on this example ))
note, you might need to close-confirm and re-open that window! after setting freqs to 17%
map exchange string for easy testing

P.S. also seems size and richness behave the same way(?)

As always, happy bug-splonking.
Factorio Staff
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Re: [1.1.80] /editor map-gen-settings no caption on freq17%

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. It's now fixed for the next 1.1.x release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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