[1.1.85] "Toggle filter" does not work unless bound to a mouse button

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[1.1.85] "Toggle filter" does not work unless bound to a mouse button

Post by NotRexButCaesar »

Binding "Toggle filter", which is bound to "Middle-click" by default, to "A", "Shift + A", or "Control + A" removes the ability to set or remove inventory filters or clear quickbar filters: the control will only work if bound to "Middle-click", "Left-click", "Right-click", or one of the other mouse buttons.

Incorrect behaviour Toggle filter Factorio.png
Incorrect behaviour Toggle filter Factorio.png (15.29 KiB) Viewed 1943 times
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Re: [1.1.85] "Toggle filter" does not work unless bound to a mouse button

Post by Twinsen »

Developer note: Because of controller support, mouse-only limitation was removed from most(all controls). All controls that were mouse only need to trigger on any "controller button" so technically they should trigger correctly for any "keyboard button" also.
The fix should be that this shortcut should work correctly when mapped to "keyboard button". The reason why it works with controller buttons now is unknown, but might be related to the fact that the default binding is a special button internally that emulates mouse click.
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Re: [1.1.85] "Toggle filter" does not work unless bound to a mouse button

Post by Twinsen »

Because of code limitations, the fix for this was to not allow binding some actions like this one to anything other than mouse.
For controller it means some actions can only be bound to 2 buttons(usually A and X on xbox controller).

Fixed in Version: 1.1.86
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