[raiguard][1.1.80] Sync mods with save downloads higher version of the mod than compatible with current Factorio version

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[raiguard][1.1.80] Sync mods with save downloads higher version of the mod than compatible with current Factorio version

Post by rsatdcms »

Issue: Unexpectedly higher version of the mod is downloaded via `sync from save` option than via `normal` mod in-game installer.

Currently possible to reproduce using `Rampant` mod
The mod version downloaded via in-game mod installer currently downloads `3.3.2` but via `sync with save` functionality downloads `3.3.3` which has a higher base game requirement `1.1.81` than currently live `1.1.80`

Have a save with a mod on any version (had a save with `3.2.2`)
Mod must have a version of the mod (`3.3.3` against a higher version of Factorio `1.1.81`)
Delete mod zip file
Press sync mod with save option
Select Rampant mod to sync, no need to enable it, just download is enough to reproduce, version `3.3.3` would be downloaded
It downloads what I imagine is latest uploaded, rather than latest compatible against my current version of Factorio `1.1.80`

Mod downloaded via `Sync from save`
rampant.jpg (1.28 MiB) Viewed 2319 times
Mod downloaded via "normal" mod in-game installer
rampant4.jpg (1.3 MiB) Viewed 2319 times
Save included with a lower version of Rampant (no need to sync the rest)
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Manual Inserter
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Re: [raiguard][1.1.80] Sync mods with save downloads higher version of the mod than compatible with current Factorio ver

Post by nanonator102 »


I have come across the same issue and believe I have some more information to add.

I had the same issue with different mods (Bottleneck Lite, Factory Planner and Module Inserter Simplified in my case). Trying to sync mods by loading the world in singleplayer would only download the most recent version.

However, after I loaded the save on a multiplayer server (The correct versions of the mods were pulled from a different Factorio install) the correct versions of the mods were downloaded.

I have recreated this with just Module Inserter Simplified. Steps I took:

Ensure game is on version 1.1.80
Ensure all mods are disabled.
Enable Module Inserter Simplified version 1.1.3
Create a save. (Called this save MIS).
Close the game.
Delete or rename the zip file for Module Inserter Simplified.
Open the game.
Load the save file. Choose to sync mods and download the mod.
Save will load with mod not enabled.
Looking in the mod list, version 1.1.4 of Module Inserter Simplified will be downloaded and enabled, but will not run as it requires Base >= 1.1.83.

Upon loading the same save in a server (and providing the correct version of the mod) attempting to join the server without the mod already available will download the correct version of the mod.
Save file with Module Inserter Simplified 1.1.3 enabled.
(1.18 MiB) Downloaded 78 times
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Re: [raiguard][1.1.80] Sync mods with save downloads higher version of the mod than compatible with current Factorio ver

Post by raiguard »

Thanks for the report, this has been fixed for the next release.
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