[1.1.81] Crash in main menu using Less UPS mod "A wild INF appearead in TrivialSmoke"

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[1.1.81] Crash in main menu using Less UPS mod "A wild INF appearead in TrivialSmoke"

Post by SpeckledFleebeedoo »

When using the Less UPS mod, the game will crash while sitting in the main menu with background simulations enabled. Log is attached.
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Re: [1.1.81] Crash in main menu using Less UPS mod "A wild INF appearead in TrivialSmoke"

Post by FuryoftheStars »

Why report a crash for a mod that was discontinued over 2 years ago? The mod auther specifically even points you to using a different mod....
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Re: [1.1.81] Crash in main menu using Less UPS mod "A wild INF appearead in TrivialSmoke"

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. The issue is now fixed for the next release however the fix is to disallow setting specific trivial smoke prototype values outside of a specific range. In this case the mod blindly changed the movement slowdown value of 3 trivial smokes such that they tried to "slow down" by an invalid value and ended up speeding up instead. They sped up so much the final speed value was infinite.
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