[1.1.64] Crash on LuaSurface.request_path with path_resolution_modifier value of 10

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[1.1.64] Crash on LuaSurface.request_path with path_resolution_modifier value of 10

Post by Muppet9010 »

When running LuaSurface.request_path and a path_resolution_modifier value of 10 for a valid pathable route the game crashes.
With a path_resolution_modifier value of 1 or 0 (default) it doesn't crash.

Sample vanilla save that the below command breaks:
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/c game.surfaces[1].request_path({
	bounding_box = game.player.character.prototype.collision_box,
	collision_mask = game.player.character.prototype.collision_mask,
	start = {0,0},
	goal = {100,150},
	force = game.player.force,
	path_resolution_modifier = 10
I was trying to work out what the path_resolution_modifier setting actually did as the description in the API docs is unfortunately rather cryptic. So I tried the value of 10 to see what difference it had to the default of 0.
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Re: [1.1.64] Crash on LuaSurface.request_path with path_resolution_modifier value of 10

Post by boskid »

I can give you some hints about what will be the fix in 1.1.65 when it will be fixed:
- path_resolution_modifier parameter is used for AI Pathfinder's pathResolutionModifier
- The same AI Pathfinder's pathResolutionModifier when searching for paths for units gets its value from AI settings, specifically from LuaAISettings::path_resolution_modifier
- There is certain range of valid values for the LuaAISettings::path_resolution_modifier.
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Re: [1.1.64] Crash on LuaSurface.request_path with path_resolution_modifier value of 10

Post by boskid »

Thanks for the report. Issue is now fixed for 1.1.65.
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