[Tobias][1.1.61] Right-clicking train fuel in blueprint editor makes is disappear

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[Tobias][1.1.61] Right-clicking train fuel in blueprint editor makes is disappear

Post by Xoriun »

When right-clicking train fuel in the blueprint editor (with trains enabled), it just disappears. The only way to get it back is to disable and then re-enable train fuel.
I would expect one of two things to happen after right-clicking the train fuel:
1) The number of the train fuel gets set to 0 and the cell is highlighted red, just as with any entity.
2) The train fuel is removed from the GUI (as observed), but in addition, the checkmark for train fuel is removed as well (so directly going from image 1 to image 3 below).
I would prefer option 1) since it is in line with everything else.

1) Blueprint with trains enabled:
1.PNG (9.3 KiB) Viewed 5263 times
2) Right-clicking train fuel:
2.PNG (8.13 KiB) Viewed 5263 times
3) Disabling train fuel:
3.PNG (8.05 KiB) Viewed 5263 times
4) Re-enabling train fuel:
4.PNG (9.41 KiB) Viewed 5263 times
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Re: [Tobias][1.1.61] Right-clicking train fuel in blueprint editor makes is disappear

Post by Tobias1595 »

Thanks for the report. A fix will be included in the upcoming release.

Both your suggestions have been implemented, in order to have fuels and modules behave the same:
  1. Excluded fuels get listed with a count of 0, as long as there are other, non-excluded fuels still present.
    The same logic was missing and has been included for modules as well.
  2. If all fuels are excluded, the 'Train fuel' option deactivates, similar to what happens for modules already.
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