[Klonan] [1.1.60] Error in get_product_list in modded game

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[Klonan] [1.1.60] Error in get_product_list in modded game

Post by talchas »

Running DyWorld-Dynamics + Fill4Me (patched to print the whole traceback) and starting a new freeplay (or scenario) game, gives

Code: Select all

__core__/lualib/production-score.lua:92: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'amount' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        __core__/lualib/production-score.lua:92: in function 'get_product_list'
        __core__/lualib/production-score.lua:240: in function 'generate_price_list'
        __Fill4Me__/fill4me/ammo.lua:83: in function 'price_list'
        __Fill4Me__/fill4me/ammo.lua:53: in function 'list'
        __Fill4Me__/fill4me/fill4me.lua:198: in function 'evaluate_items'
        __Fill4Me__/fill4me/fill4me.lua:77: in function 'handler'
        __Fill4Me__/stdlib/event/event.lua:150: in function 'dispatch'
        __Fill4Me__/lib/event_extend.lua:72: in function 'handler'
        __Fill4Me__/stdlib/event/event.lua:150: in function 'dispatch'
        __Fill4Me__/stdlib/event/event.lua:38: in function <__Fill4Me__/stdlib/event/event.lua:37>
which aborts game creation. As far as I can tell this is because get_product_list uses launch_product.amount in one place rather than the "launch_product_amount = util.product_amount(launch_product)" it computed earlier. (DyWorld-Dynamics has rocket launches with random results and Fill4Me accesses the price list)
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Re: [Klonan] [1.1.60] Error in get_product_list in modded game

Post by Klonan »

Thanks for the report

It is fixed for the next release
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