[1.1.58] Blueprints shotcuts on toolbar dont work when they are inside blueprint book

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[1.1.58] Blueprints shotcuts on toolbar dont work when they are inside blueprint book

Post by Necronium »

As title says, blueprints that are in blueprint book (that is in inventory) and are placed on toolbar cant be picked up after todays update. Till now it worked just fine.
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Re: [1.1.58] Blueprints shotcuts on toolbar dont work when they are inside blueprint book

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. I know why this is happening but I don't really know the "correct" fix. Technically speaking it working before 1.1.58 was not following how the code was supposed to work:

* Items-in-items do not count as "available" to the player through actions like crafting, logistic request counts, auto-trash, and the quickbar.

The quickbar was ignoring these checks and that's why it worked. The quickbar was fixed with another bug report here 102095 however people have been using the fact it was broken for a while now and probably want it to keep working...
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Re: [1.1.58] Blueprints shotcuts on toolbar dont work when they are inside blueprint book

Post by th0 »

I second this. Especially when you work with blueprints quite a bit, you want them to be readily available. If this means that you have to have them as seperate items in your inventory - what's the point of the Blueprint book them? The inventory will just be a mess. I would strongly support leaving the old behavior in place. :)
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Re: [1.1.58] Blueprints shotcuts on toolbar dont work when they are inside blueprint book

Post by FuryoftheStars »

th0 wrote: Tue May 03, 2022 7:56 am If this means that you have to have them as seperate items in your inventory - what's the point of the Blueprint book them?
Well, if you place the book onto your quickbar, it should work then.
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Re: [1.1.58] Blueprints shotcuts on toolbar dont work when they are inside blueprint book

Post by Tertius »

I prefer to have the feature to link to a blueprint inside a book in the quickbar. It's an important function - it's exactly what I assume what the quickbar is for: to have quick access to some frequently used thing, wherever it is stored. A blueprint might technically be an item, but from the player's gameplay perspective it's usually not seen as and used like an item. It's a construction helper.

The "wrong" functionality is how I expected it to work, and the fixed functionality is like removing a vital QoL feature.

If I have to keep a blueprint directly in the inventory, there is no point any more for blueprint books. I would then ask for more inventory space, please.
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Re: [1.1.58] Blueprints shotcuts on toolbar dont work when they are inside blueprint book

Post by Rseding91 »

I'm still working on it; but the blueprint book is usable directly as a blueprint itself; using what ever blueprint is selected from in it. This selection can be changed with shift + scroll wheel while in the cursor (as the tooltip says.)
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Re: [1.1.58] Blueprints shotcuts on toolbar dont work when they are inside blueprint book

Post by mramm »

I encountered the same problem, and found a workaround which is not too cumbersome (in my opinion).
If you put your blueprint book to the library (ctrl+B) then the shortcut blueprints will become active.
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Re: [1.1.58] Blueprints shotcuts on toolbar dont work when they are inside blueprint book

Post by Necronium »

Thanks for fixing this.
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