[Rseding91] [1.1.57] changing dependency order may cause "corrupt map - bad load statistics size"

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Smart Inserter
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[Rseding91] [1.1.57] changing dependency order may cause "corrupt map - bad load statistics size"

Post by Honktown »

When dependency order of mods is the only thing that changes from before and after a save, AND prototypes are only added, then the 'corrupt map' message happens.

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A has a procedural function to create prototypes. B adds a prototype. A does not create a prototype because it is ordered before B.

Expected Solution: Change the "dependencies" : ["base"] in A to "dependencies": ["base", "dependency_order_map_corruption_B"]

Restart Factorio, load the save. Message:

Code: Select all

   8.912 Warning Map.cpp:346: Map loading failed: corrupt map - bad loaded statistics size: 531 != 532
   8.963 Error AppManagerStates.cpp:1599: corrupt map - bad loaded statistics size: 531 != 532
*IF* a prototype goes missing, the game pops up the dialog that XYZ has been removed.

Expected result: No error, additional prototypes work as expected (even if a manual reset_technology_effects() etc is needed)
I have mods! I guess!
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Re: [Rseding91] [1.1.57] changing dependency order may cause "corrupt map - bad load statistics size"

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. It's now fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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