[0.11.22]Train going into automode when stopped by biters

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[0.11.22]Train going into automode when stopped by biters

Post by Choumiko »

I noticed that a manually controlled train switches to automated mode, when being stopped by biters.

To the right is a nest where the biters come from. I think it's not related to the locomotive being FARL, as i managed to circle the nest with rails, change to a vanilla locomotive and it also switched to automode once it got stopped (the dark image is with a vanilla locomotive). Also FARL doesn't register a ontrainchangedstate event, nor does it change train.manualmode.
I don't know how automated trains react when stopped by biters but maybe this behaviour is also applied for manual controlled trains, forcing them into automode?

To reproduce, simply load the save with the mod loaded and keep (slowly) driving towards the east. Sooner or later you'll be stopped and the No path message appears, indicating that you're now in automode.
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Re: [0.11.22]Train going into automode when stopped by biters

Post by kovarex »

Thank you for the report, it is now fixed for 0.12
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Re: [0.11.22]Train going into automode when stopped by biters

Post by FishSandwich »

kovarex wrote:Thank you for the report, it is now fixed for 0.12
Sorry to revive this one, but I'm having a similar issue.

Whilst manually driving a train, I hit another train that was driving automatically, and it put the manual train into automatic mode(even though it had no schedule).

Happened on 0.12
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Re: [0.11.22]Train going into automode when stopped by biters

Post by Choumiko »

Can confirm that this one is still there in 0.12.
I was put into automode by biters attacking FARL and one time hitting a tree when driving on a curve. With the biters it seemed to not happen every time as it was in 0.11
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Re: [0.11.22]Train going into automode when stopped by biters

Post by HanziQ »

Thank you for re-reporting this one, it will be fixed in the next release.
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