[Tobias][1.1.53] deconstruction_time_to_live at/near max uint has requests removed almost immediately.

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[Tobias][1.1.53] deconstruction_time_to_live at/near max uint has requests removed almost immediately.

Post by Silari »

When setting a forces deconstruction_time_to_live to 4294967295 anything marked for deconstruction has the deconstruction marker removed almost immediately. When setting a very large amount of items it takes a while for all of the marker to disappear, but even items where the marker shows for a bit longer don't get any bots assigned to them.

Lowering the value slightly, by 100 or so, doesn't noticeably change the behavior. Lowering it by 10000 has the markers last much longer - at least over 30000 ticks from quick testing in the editor. Wasn't about to wait 4 billion ticks to see if it lasted the full amount, and as far as I can tell there's no way in the API to get the deconstruction request's time to live - only check if an entity has been registered.

Log file is from an earlier version so there's no mods loaded, but can confirm it still exists in 1.1.53.
Easiest way to test is to use the map editor to change the player force's deconstruction_time_to_live to 4294967295, exit the editor, and mark a ton of stuff for deconstruction. They'll start getting unmarked immediately. Same thing occurs if a migration is used to set the time to live.
What's Expected
For the ghosts to last either forever (as construction ghosts set to max uint do) or at least for a very very long time (the full 4 billion ticks).
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Re: [Tobias][1.1.53] deconstruction_time_to_live at/near max uint has requests removed almost immediately.

Post by Tobias1595 »

Thanks for the report, the issue will be resolved for the next release.

We didn't add explicit logic to have it last forever, but 4.2 billion ticks are more than 2 years and 3 months of game time, so that should hopefully not be the issue.
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