[1.1.53] Crash changing laser turret energy source to lamp.energy_source

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[1.1.53] Crash changing laser turret energy source to lamp.energy_source

Post by delaporte »

Got a crash when changing the energy_source of a laser turret to a lamps energy source. I don't really expect it to work however it does not throw an error during the data stage, instead it crashes when powering a laser turret.

minimum code to reproduce the crash:

Code: Select all

local lamp = data.raw["lamp"]["small-lamp"]
data.raw["electric-turret"]["laser-turret"].energy_source = lamp.energy_source
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Re: [1.1.53] Crash changing laser turret energy source to lamp.energy_source

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. I've changed it for the next release so setting electric priority on non-lamps to 'lamp' will result in an error at startup. The logic internally only works with actual lamp entities so that's the only fix.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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